Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Applied Statistics

Applied Statistics

This assignment was all about measuring 27 cubes. And finding the different measurements . Our measuring tool was a dialer calliper it measured 3/4" of an inch. Once all the measuremnts were gathered it was a data set. Then we found the number that reprentsented the mean the median, range and mode of the set.

The mean is the calculation of all the measurments added up and then divided by the toatl number if items.
Mean- 20.31in./ 27= 0.7518in.

The median the number in the middle number i found it by creating a steam and leaf plot.
Median- 0.752 in.

The range is the maximum subtratced by the minumum.
Range- .760in.- .741in.= 0.019in.

The mode is the number that appears the most in the data set.
Mode- .754in.

After all the dated was collected we made a graph showing the results of the data set.After this we concluded the assignment with answering conclusion questions.

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